Monday, November 8, 2010


Rhett's Review

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I LOVE seeing a New Broadway show on a Saturday Night!...... the excitement and energy are electric! If you've never been to a Broadway show in NYC on a Saturday Night, you've never experienced the true wonder and joy of live theater in the Big Apple. As Carlos and I grabbed a booth to enjoy our pre-theater cocktails at the newly renovated "Barrage" on 47 and 9th Ave, our adrenaline was pumping and we had giddy little schoolgirl smiles from ear to ear! ( It helps that Barrage has TWO Happy Hours daily from 5-8pm and 10p-Midnight: pre and post theater happy hour!!!......Loves It!) After a cocktail.... or 3 (who can count you are so excited!LOL) , we made our way to the Barrymore (aka our "Default" theater when we don't actually know where a show is this show was actually at the Barrymore!)
Jennifer Coolidge and Denis O'Hare return to Broadway fresh off their individual Hollywood successes (she's best known for "Best in Show" and her Character Paulette in "Legally Blonde"---"I'm taking the Dog Asshole!"! He's most recently known as Russell, the Vampire King of Mississippi on "True Blood".) We also go to pop the cherry of Broadway newcomer Brendan Fraser (School Ties, Gods and Monsters, and Inkheart.... ugh!) Set in Oslo, Norway, this show is supposedly set " Present Day", but to this everyday American, it might as well be set in the 1920's, no cell phones to be seen, no television, bland clothing, and strange robotic verbiage. Apparently Norwegian humor differs from American humor ( mostly because American humor is...uh.. how do I put it?....FUNNY) the basic plot is of two diagnosed "Crazies" who meet in a loony bin. A la "The Odd Couple" we have the dirty, messy, sex and food driven Kjell Bjanre (pronounced Chell Beeyarnuh-ugh!0 played by Fraser, and the uptight, agoraphobic, momma's boy Elling played by O'Hare. Upon release from the nut house, the government places them in a subsidized apartment to reconnect with the real world, and break their unhealthy psychotic habits. They are visited and tested regularly by a state social worker, Frank 9played sufficiently, if not impressively by Jeremy Shamos).
The Roommates bicker and fight, but also push each other to conquer their fears. When Kjell goads Elling to leave the house, Elling decides to run away to spite him, and finds solace at a nearby Poetry den. Elling ends up making a friend in Alfons, played with John Gielgud-esque poise by Richard Easton). the only real fun is brought in the form of 3 outlandish, big breasted Scandinavian Strumpets, all portrayed by the superbly unique Jennifer Coolidge. Most notable is her main character, Reiden, a single pregnant blue collar broad, who lives in the apartment above Kjell and Elling, and is constantly smoking and chugging wine (at 8 1/2 months pregnant).
While O'Hare has moments of brilliant self-reflection, and some fun physical comedy shtick, Fraser is literally is a lump on the stage. Fraser, like his character, is an "orangutan", but not nearly as endearing. Easton steals a few choice moments, but is not given nearly enough of the character to really challenge him. The standout here ( and the only real reason to this otherwise mediocre play) is, of course Jennifer Coolidge. As a disgruntled Nordic waitress, or an eclectic spastic Poetess with a black beehive hairdo. She captivates and cajoles the audience. In her role as "soon-to-be Mother" Reiden, she has us laughing along with her so heartily that we forget to care that her unborn baby will probably be born premature and with fetal alcohol syndrome!.... lol. Sometimes we see a play and it's clearly great, or terrible, but more often than not it falls into a grey area, where we measure the good aspects vs. the bad, with Elling, the scale falls far to the side of the later. In my opinion seeing a few great actors in a mediocre play is still better than seeing mediocre actors in ANYTHING.

Walk, don't run, and get some reduced price tickets to "Elling" (if you have some time to kill)

On a scale of Top, Bottom, or Versatile. I give Elling a Versatile Bottom: the kind of trick you may not call again, but you don't regret hooking up just once.

See ya on the Boards

Carlos' Review

In honor of seeing a Norwegian based play I have written ,well google translated my review into Norwegian and English.

Hope you enjoy
Det er type av morsom som og som jeg har dradd se, har vært jeg den som ha blitt kjørt sen. Jeg tekst Rhett og forteller ham som jeg er en blokk borte og jeg får responsen som han er der og «jeg er i hjørnet. .......watching du kysser hennes ohhhhhoohhh. ......” Jeg elsker Robyn. hva et Hva en Dork ! ! !
Alright Pre-Teater drikker ble holdt på Barrage 47 og 9 Ave, den store tingen om denne bar, har de to glade timer : Pre Teater 5p-8p og Posterer Teater 10p-12a. I løpet av de Glade Timene er alt 1/2 prissatt, ikke dårlig å betrakting som overskrift til en aften av teater, en må temmelig mye ta en andre pantelån ut på deres hjem. Med våre drikker i hånd og ha noen mye måtte innhente tid med min yndlingsJøde, Rhett og jeg fastsatte inn i vår banquette, jeg kunne ikke hjelpe under på den behagelige og rommelige bar Strøm har blitt, det tydelig gjennomgikk en hovedrenovering og lar en industri, steril coziness føle til det. Slik med et par en runder av drikkene under vårt belte og litt forskning på Rhetts dekorert områdetelefon, kunne utpønske vi utstillingen som vi ser. All som vi visste var at Brendan Fraser, gjennomførte Denis O'Hare, Richard Easton, og den Gale Jennifer Coolidge, så litt mer enn summet vi trudged av inn i striden som er Tidskvadrat og laget vår måte til Barrymore.
fredag, på den 5e november, 2010 er
8:00pm Ethel Barrymore Teater
Elling et skuespill som blir basert på en serie av bøkene ved Norsk Forfatter Ingvar Ambjørnsen. Denne spesielle produksjon ble tilpasset inn i Engelsk ved Simon Bøyd og dirigerte ved Doug Hughes. Elling, som blir lekt av Denis O'Hare er historien av en mann som har levd hans helt liv med hans mor og blir tatt å leve i en institusjon etter hans mor passerer borte. Han blir roommates og venner med en simpleminded mann som er DEN 40 årige gammele kjønnet obsessed Jomfruen, blir Kjell Bjarne, lekt av Broadway nykommer Brendan Fraser. Etter blir utløst fra institusjonen dette mismatched paret trekket til Oslo, hvor skuespillet blir satt, og ved hjelp av deres sosial arbeider, Frank ?sli som blir lekt av den vittige Jeremy Shamos, det to forsøket og integrerer tilbake inn i gjennomsnittssamfunn. Langs måten møter de en eksentrisk dikter, som blir lekt av Richard Easton, og gravid nabo, som blir gjennomført av Jennifer Coolidge.
Etter at jeg finne ut dette var et Norsk skuespill som jeg ble hisset opp og engstelig om det jeg er en stor Scndiaphile. Jeg er alltid nervøs skjønt når utenlandsk skuespill, er overrakt til Amerikansk publikum, du vet aldri hvordan reaksjonen vil være til en forskjellig stil av humoren mest Amerikanere er bruk til Britisk humor og til et omfang Canadisk humor men noe som helst på hovedkontinentet det kan bli litt flyktig. Mens utstillingen begynte jeg ble mint av hvordan tørr Scandinavian humor kan være, jeg brukte en kort tid i Stockholm, Sverige og jeg visste hvordan deres mening av humoren er, er Nordmennene meget liknende i deres levering av deres vidd. Skrifttypen ble godt skrevet og dialogen og historien som blir klippet med på et godt skritt. Denis O'Hare mens Elling lekte en ekstremt beskyttet mammas gutten med slik oppriktighet. Brendan Fraser for hans først avbrudd av porten på den store hvite måten, dradd av det kjønn obsessed Kjell Bjarne med en noe nøling, jeg tror for en filmskuespiller som er bruk til flerfoldig tar ved prøveen å få en gjørt scene, det må være vanskelig, et trinnskuespill eller musikalsk, får du en skudd pr. natt å få prestasjonen til høyre. Jeg har en følelse som mens dette løpet fortsetter Herr Fraser vil bli mer og mer behagelig med rollen og hans tilstedeværelse auf der b. Jennifer Coolidge, som du all kan vite fra Beste i Utstilling, som Venter på Guffman, og Lovlig Blond, lekte et par forskjellige kvinnelige karakterer i utstillingen, leverte hennes ledninger og med den samme vanskeligheten som nesten har blitt hennes handelmerke som fungerer stil. utstillingen var i det er tredje dag av previews og kastet syntes litt nervøst om der og bekymret med hensyntil hva publiket ville tro.
Generelt tror jeg kastet sant tror på utstillingen og mens ukene avanserer, jeg tror at de vil finne deres skogholt og utstillingen vil ha et hyggelig glatt løp. Jeg likte det, og det har ført opp noen interessante spørsmål som er vi virkelig om, hva definerer oss, og i samfunnlevebrøddag til dag vi all er tilbøyelig til å føle litt forskjøvet og muligens galt, som er hva er normal om oss som Mennesker.
lik på en målestokk av Toppet, Bunn, eller Allsidig.
Jeg gir denne Prestasjonen av Elling, enAllsidig.


It's kind of funny that the past few shows Rhett and I have gone to see, I have been the one who has been running late. I text Rhett and tell him I am a block away and I get the response that he is there and "I'm in the corner........watching you kiss her ohhhhhoohhh......." I love Robyn.

(Rhett you are a Dork, but not as much as me for writing a review in Norwegian!!!)

Alright Pre-Theater drinks were held at Barrage West 47th and 9th Ave, the great thing about this bar, they have two happy hours: Pre Theater 5p-8p and Post Theater 10p-12a. During the Happy Hours everything is 1/2 priced, not bad considering that heading to a evening of theater, one pretty much has to take a second mortgage out on their home. With our drinks in hand and having some much needed catch up time with my favorite Jew, Rhett and I settled into our banquette, I couldn't help marvel at the comfortable and spacious bar Barrage has become, it apparently underwent a major renovation and has an industrial, sterile coziness feel to it. So with a few a rounds of drinks under our belt and a little research on Rhett's fancy space phone, we were able to figure out the show we are seeing. All we knew was that Brendan Fraser, Denis O'Hare, Richard Easton, and the Crazy Jennifer Coolidge were performing, so a little more than buzzed we trudged off into the fray that is Times Square and made our way to the Barrymore.

Friday, November 5, 2010
Ethel Barrymore Theater

Elling is a play based on a series of books by Norwegian Author Ingvar Ambjørnsen.
This particular production was adapted into English by Simon Bent and directed by Doug Hughes. Elling, played by Denis O'Hare is the story of a man who has lived his whole life with his mother and is taken to live in an institution after his mother passes away. He becomes roommates and friends with a simpleminded man who is THE 40-year old sex obsessed Virgin, Kjell Bjarne, played by Broadway newcomer Brendan Fraser. After being released from the institution this mismatched pair move to Oslo, where the play is set, and with the help of their social worker, Frank Åsli played by the witty Jeremy Shamos, the two try and integrate back into mainstream society. Along the way they meet an eccentric poet, played by Richard Easton, and pregnant neighbor, performed by Jennifer Coolidge.

Once I found out this was a Norwegian play I was excited and apprehensive about it I am a big Scndiaphile. I am always nervous though when foreign plays, are presented to American audiences, you never know how the reaction will be to a different style of humor most Americans are use to British humor and to an extent Canadian humor but anything on the main continent it can become a little sketchy. As the show began I was reminded of how dry Scandinavian humor can be, I spent a brief time in Stockholm, Sweden and I knew how their sense of humor is, the Norwegians are very similar in their delivery of their wit. The script was well written and the dialogue and the story clipped along at a good pace. Denis O'Hare as Elling played an extremely sheltered mamma's boy with such sincerity. Brendan Fraser for his first time out of the gate on the great white way, pulled off the sex obsessed Kjell Bjarne with a some hesitation, I think for a movie actor who is use to multiple takes in trying to get a scene done, it must be difficult, a stage play or musical, you get one shot a night to get the performance right. I have a feeling that as this run continues Mr. Fraser will become more and more comfortable with the role and his presence on stage. Jennifer Coolidge, who you may all know from Best in Show, Waiting for Guffman, and Legally Blonde, played a few different female characters in the show, delivered her lines and with the same awkwardness that has almost become her trade mark acting style. the show was in it's third day of previews and the cast seemed a little nervous about there and worried as to what the audience would think. In general I believe the cast truly believes in the show and as the weeks progress, I think they will find their grove and the show will have a nice smooth run.

I liked it, and it did bring up some interesting questions about who are we really, what defines us, and in society where living day to day we all tend to feel a little displaced and possibly crazy , this is what is so normal and real about us as Human beings.

So on a scale of Top, Bottom, or Versatile.

I give this Performance of Elling, a Versatile Bottom, with a wow did I just pick you up on the Subway and bring you home?

Playing at the Ethel Barrymore Theater
243 West 47th Street
New York, NY
Preview Start November 2, 2010
Opening Night November 20, 2010
Closing Night March 20, 2011
Dark on Mondays

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